How is your LinkedIn profile looking? Have you got one? Employers will no doubt have a look for this when they receive your application interest for a role. Not only can they see your CV in a more user friendly viewing format and see what skills you've been endorsed for which adds credibility, but they can also see if you have any mutual connections, and how active you are with following the companies that interest you and your activity in groups. Your activity and professional voice is viewed as very important by employers, and it's a great way of showing commercial awareness. 

It's so important to focus on the positives and take the opportunity to show an employer what you want them to see. Yes it's important to keep your Facebook personal profile private, and be responsible for what you post on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. But it's just as important to make sure that your professional voice is visible to employers. It could make the difference between you and an equally good candidate getting a job.

Don't forget to make sure you have a professional photo, it'll make your profile many times more likely to be viewed. You can customise your URL so that it's easy for people to find you. Ensure you have key words in your Headline and Summary, so that your skills are easily searchable. And remember, when you 'like' a post by a connection, it's visible in your activity that you liked this, to all your connections.